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Back when I considered running for senate at College of San Mateo.. I joked with friends how I'd get all the ladies if I ever did become a part of the senate...  "the senator" became  a sort of inside joke alter ego character.  
Well, I drew some comics for "the senator" on train rides to and from San Jose State last semester. 
(more to come... )
(if you're curious, I don't smoke or use guns)
(oh and read the panels going from left to right for these)

senator page 1

senator page 3


comics, done by me, Robert Tsang, and Victor Pallato
i know there isn't any color... the words aren't very neat, the drawings look
kinda primative, the characters are hard to recognize, and there isn't much of a 
story but... uh... yeah
we took turns putting this piece of crap together, and its our piece of crap

page 1
first page

page 3
third page

senator page 2

senator 4 (w/ numbered panels)


page 2
second page